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#Worldwidewebheal | #21day21min 
This is what we setup @gnreiki and @ayuoklondon, come and join our journey over the next 21 days - UNITING EARTH HEALING

 We started the 21 days for 21 minutes world healing on 23rd March 2020 once UK went into lockdown, this then rippled into the world where many lightworkers and masters joined everyday for world healing. We also carry out a daily fire ritual - these rituals (yagya) is very powerful. We are in a space and time right now where their is a huge cosmic shift, what does this mean?

The human has not realized the significance of the other living world i.e. the plant kingdom around him that how important it is for his survival. One can live without food for few days and water for a few days but cannot live without AIR i.e. oxygen known as PRAN-YAYU.

The greed and wish to accumulate more and more than our needs has caused a severe damage to the plant kingdom which has now become a threat for human survival so much that it has become an issue of GLOBAL concern.

Havan is an ancient ritual which is performed to purify the atmosphere and the environment. 
In the physical world we have two basic energy systems first one is heat and second one is sound. In yagna “sound” or “nada” of the Mantras and “Heat” from Yagna, these are combined together to find the desired physical, psychological and spiritual powers.

During yagya, the performer goes into the alpha brainwave state and higher levels of consciousness that opens up other areas of perception. The performer gets deeper relaxation, balanced state of body and mind, creativity is enhanced, immunity is enhanced, increased awareness.
DAY 1 - 21 Days for 21 Minutes Daily World Healing {24th March 2020}

HEALING CIRCLE ⭕️ Time and space to heal and reset

Join us for the next 21 days healing self and Mother Earth ... we sit for a minimum of 21 minutes a day whatever time you can find in your place and environment.

We will observe the powerful changes coming in from the cosmic source healing Mother Earth kingdoms. 

When our mother heals we all heal at a fast rate ... pause each day for 21 minutes and listen to the sounds of the kingdoms healing.
Feel the energy flowing through your nervous system healing every part of you and updating your DNA.

This is once in a lifetime reset we many experience where the whole world is in lockdown and we are witnessing the fast healing of Mother Earth 🌎

@gnreiki @ayuoklondon 

Please update us daily with what you feel in your inner and outer worlds and what you feel transforming ... all this experience will live on in history for the future souls to learn from 🙏🏻⭕️ The Healing 🌍 worldwide circle ⭕️ #update #heal #meditate #mother

Everyday for next 21 days we will share insights #worldwidewenheal #21day21min
 #worldwidewebheal #21day21min. 

Today we continue healing self and our countries, the globe and all Mother Earth kingdoms we share with other energies.

Today spend more time reflecting on the animal kingdom and how important it's existence is to human existence.

Spend time learning and connecting and most of all healing this beautiful kingdom animals have played an important role in the development of drugs and lines of treatment for human beings. This is just one example... we must live in love and harmony with all kingdoms on Mother Earth and only use what we have been given and not taking for our greed otherwise every actions has a reaction 
@ayuoklondon @gnreiki

Its is the second day and already our group is growing around the globe - we have a group setup via whatsapp where I alert all when the world healing starts. 
Toady I felt the power of the group around me and the energy from the yagya. We all maybe physically sat in different parts of the globe, however and wow the energy felt spiritually is phenomenal. Some of the people wrote back to me from the group telling me the sensations they felt either third -eye or the body making circular movements and some felt heat and subtle energy sensations along their spine. This is the power of group healing as from a cosmic space we are in the one space.


Meat can be a touchy subject. Strict vegans and unrepentant carnivores rarely find any common ground. But whatever your view on the ethics of eating meat, there are some hard facts that should inform any debate.

Billions of animals are slaughtered every year - Humans are easily outnumbered by our farm animals. The combined total of chickens (19 billion), cows (1.5 billion), sheep (1 billion) and pigs (1 billion) living at any one time is three times higher than the number of people, according to the Economist.

But those figures are dwarfed by the number of animals we eat.
  • An estimated 50 billion chickens are slaughtered for food every year – a figure that excludes male chicks and unproductive hens killed in egg production.
  • Nearly 1.5 billion pigs are killed to feed the growing appetite for pork, bacon, ham and sausages – a number that has tripled in the last 50 years.
  • Half a billion sheep are taken to the abattoir every year. The number of goats slaughtered overtook the number of cows eaten during the 1990s, although the figure for cattle excludes the dairy industry.
  • When it comes to seafood, the number of individual fish and shellfish is almost impossible to calculate. One hundred and fifty million tonnes of seafood were produced for human consumption in 2016 – nearly half from aquaculture (for example trout or shrimp farms) rather than caught in fisheries.

We eat more meat per person than ever - In the last 50 years the number of people on the planet has more than doubled. But the amount of meat we eat has tripled.

Most of this growing demand has come from middle income countries, and particularly China, which became the world’s biggest consumer of meat as its economy boomed. In contrast, the appetite for meat in Europe and North America has stabilized, and even declined.

India, despite rapidly catching up with China in terms of population, still consumes a tiny fraction of the world’s meat.

So you see how much we are taking and how much imbalance we as humans are creating on earth, we know this and yet we carry on. The stats here just covered the animal and sea kingdom, what about the increase in transport (car, planes, trains etc) the pollution we create and from other sources we burn.

The rubbish each household throws out including food wastage - we buy food, it goes off or you not in the mood so it goes in the bin, why because we have convenience at our finger tips. 24 hour supermarkets and takeaway shops. 

We want so much that we are taking down forest, mountains and building on sea for what ? 

 #worldwidewebheal #21day21min. 

DO YOU REALISE HOW IMPORTANT OUR PLANT KINGDOM IS ... without it you are non existent... 

Plant kingdom provides us so much .... more than we ever know ... food , medicine, clothes, shelter and the list is endless. The plant kingdom has many uses for us. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants convert the solar energy into food (carbohydrates). ... Plants also consume carbon dioxide and generate oxygen. They are the primary supplier of oxygen in the atmosphere and also help in keeping the carbon dioxide concentration in check. Plant kingdom also provides for animals. 
Animals cannot produce their own food, so all terrestrial food chains are based on plants. Plants convert solar to chemical energy in organic compounds like sugars; animals exploit this stored energy when they eat plants to find the fuel they need for their own growth. Without plants, there would be no food for any land animals, including humans.

So be mindful how much plant kingdoms can is serving us 🙏🏻 
@ayuoklondon @gnreiki

Just like when your body is fully relaxed and open, breathing calm and deep, mind relaxed and your entire being is fully resting in the state of full openness and surrender, you get recharged quickly, full of freshness, lightness, stillness, inner strength with peace, inner joy and happiness. That is you just caught the flow, that is the state which is totally effortless where everything happens which needs to happen and everything stops which needs to stop and the real healing happens there because you are back on your real track. Other than this you lose the flow, that effortlessness within in which there is always the possibility that the thing which does not need to happen happens and the thing which should happen gets suppressed. One going through for a prolonged period of time out of this real flow starts to develop and grow several type of disorders within their entire system resulting in physical ailments, mental and emotional disorders and the most important one is loses self. The only solution is coming back to self, be with effortlessness.

Similarly, Earth is our collective self, too much going away from self happened specially with the human kingdom which is one of her components which tend to have more higher potentials than rest of the other kingdoms. Animal kingdom and plants kingdom have always been with that flow so are always healing, going closer to them feels nice and healing because they are always with that effortless state. Regardless of having the potential to go higher and uplift the entire system, human kingdom fell down going too much away from self resulting in the great disbalance and to bring the balance back human kingdom seemed to be total blind due to which it needed to be governed from the higher level.

Now, with the different situations and conditions, all are having lockdown stopping most of the external activities, which has already resulted in external calmness, minimized level of pollution and reports have shown that earth's ozone layer which was depleted is already healing very rapidly.

What we mean to say from this is that, the same lost patterns are still functioning and still not able to be in that state of flow from inside which can actually support this process in much more deeper level.

Lots and lots of beautiful souls and masters are doing their best by doing their deep spiritual practices, sending prayers and healing. So, the individuals who have idea about meditation and such practices, be with the practices, be mindful and all of those who have no idea about meditation and such practices then just relax, listen calming music, read inspirational books and do creative things.
 #worldwidewebheal #21day21min. 

Today We intentionally send healing to the sea kingdom as well as mother earth.

What does the sea kingdom provide us?
It regulates earth's temperature, provides us with oxygen, food, drinking water, energy, raw materials medication and even recreation and culture. All these benefits mankind gets from marine ecosystems like estuaries, coastal lines and open ocean are known as ecosystem services.

Oceans are an important source of food. They host 80 percent of the planet's biodiversity, and are the largest ecosystem on Earth. Fish provide 20 percent of animal protein to about 3 billion people

Oceans provide at least a sixth of the animal protein people eat. Living oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce climate change impacts. The diversity and productivity of the world's oceans is a vital interest for humankind. Our security, our economy, our very survival all require healthy oceans.
@gnreiki @ayuoklondon @bbcearth @earthpix

 #worldwidewebheal #21day21min. 

we are everyday sending healing to mother Earth and her kingdoms (plant, sea, animals, mountains and humans) today we spend more time also focusing on the mountain kingdom

Mountains play a significant role in providing water and food supply to the millions of people in the world. Mountains cover around 22 percent of the surface of the earth and 13 percent of the world's population live in the mountains.

Mountains collect, channel and store freshwater and are essential to the Earth's water cycle. They are also key to regulating the global climate and vital to other ecological cycles of the planet. 🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎 let's spend this time to help Mother Earth and amplify and magnify the energy @gnreiki @ayuoklondon @globalnews @discovery.hd @worldeconomicforum

 #worldwidewebheal #21day21min. 

Humans are able to create new and complex ideas, and to develop technology, which is unprecedented among other organisms on Earth.
We humans emerged as a species about 200,000 years ago. 

In geological time, that is really incredibly recent. Just 10,000 years ago, there were one million of us. By 1800, just over 200 years ago, there were 1 billion of us. By 1960, 50 years ago, there were 3 billion of us. There are now over 7 billion of us. By 2050, your children, or your children's children, will be living on a planet with at least 9 billion other people.
Earth is home to millions of species. Just one dominates it. Us. 

Our cleverness, our inventiveness and our activities have modified almost every part of our planet. In fact, we are having a profound impact on it. Indeed, our cleverness, our inventiveness and our activities are now the drivers of every global problem we face. And every one of these problems is accelerating as we continue to grow towards a global population of 10 billion.

There are now more than 7 billion of us on Earth. As our numbers continue to grow, we continue to increase our need for far more water, far more food, far more land, far more transport and far more energy. As a result, we are accelerating the rate at which we're changing our climate. In fact, our activities are not only completely interconnected with but now also interact with, the complex system we live on: Earth. It is important to understand how all this is connected.

Human pressure on nature has soared since the 1970s. We have been using more and more natural resources, and this has come at a cost.
If we lose large portions of the natural world, human quality of life will be severely reduced and the lives of future generations will be threatened unless effective action is taken.
Over the last 50 years, nature's capacity to support us has plummeted. Air and water quality are reducing, soils are depleting, crops are short of pollinators, and coasts are less protected from storms.

It's very important we healing Mother Earth and her kingdoms and remain in balance @gnreiki @ayuoklondon @globalnews 


 #worldwidewebheal #21day21min. 

Purifying the Five Elements of Our Being. Everything in nature is made up of five basic elements: earth, water, fire, air, and space. Knowledge of the five elements allows you to understand the laws of nature and to use for self to attain greater health, power, knowledge, wisdom and happiness.

Since the five elements are the basis of body, mind, people, relationships and events, there is a vast and deep body of knowledge related to the 5 elements. But even a basic understanding can transform our way of dealing with our health, our thoughts, our lives.

Five Elements Of Human Body
Earth: Bones and muscles, smell, Sensory organ: NOSE
Water: Blood, taste Sensory organ: TONGUE
Air: Breath, Sensory organ: SKIN
Fire: Heat, Sensory organ: EYES
Space: Ether or ‘aakash’, Sensory organs: EARS

Energies- If any of these elements deprives the body, this will stop functioning. However, for all the elements to function, the body needs energies or the vital force or ‘Pran Shakti’. 

These energies are Bioenergy, magnetic energy, electrical energy, mechanical energy, and chemical energy. All the energies have their distinct roles in the body. If any of the energy lacks, the body becomes imbalanced and weak. The diseases strike weaker body system in various following ways.

#worldwidewebheal #21day21min. 
We are the laws of nature - space lives within us... we come from the same universe...
we are now on our 8th day for worldwide healing @gnreiki @ayuoklondon #london🇬🇧 #nepal
Today we continue with world healing and focus on the space element... how important this element is for our existence ... Space is the only element which doesn't not have any limit.
sky has been considered the free space of the universe. “”Word” is the special feature of space and is related to the ears of a human. In various ancient scriptures and vedas, the word, syllable and noise has been considered to be different.

When a person hears a word or a syllable then only he is able to grasp the meaning of it. This is the same concept of space and universe. When the activities in the space take place then only earth is able to receive light, heat, gravity, magnetic fields etc. All these changes in the natural phenomenon affects human life as well. Thus, the significance of space or sky cannot be overlooked at all.
1st April 2020
DAY 09 World Healing ~ Elements AIR

The Element Air

Picture the blue of the sky on a clear day. Nothing is more essentially blue. The sheer brightness of it makes you stand taller, feel larger. Meditation on the wideness of that blue sky, with a white cloud thrown in for good measure, expands your consciousness. The blue isn't a ceiling. The sky isn't a limit. You can expand through it and touch the nearest star. There you can find your truth.

Truth is the first quality of the Air Element. It is about finding your own essential truth, the truth of who you really are. The realisation that we are unique expressions of Spirit is a powerful one. But it also brings responsibilities. We are all called upon to live with integrity. We have to learn to be that expression of Spirit as purely as we can, as purely ourselves as the sky is purely blue.

Realising that truth also means we need ensure that it's possible for others to express themselves freely as well. We have to guard over the freedom of all human beings, and all living things, to find and express their own truth. Justice is the second quality of Air. We should watch over it as carefully as we can.

But the sky can be clouded, too. Dark thoughts and feelings often trouble the human mind. Clarity about our truth, and the strength to hold on to that, can be a great help through most of the troubles Life brings our way. That kind of mental fortitude is another quality of the Air Element.

Elemental Air is also the playful wind. The summer breeze plays with foliage and makes each tree sing its own tune. It plays with my hair and strokes my cheek. Air plays and dances with us. And it carries the scent of sunlight on young foliage, or of trees blossoming. And sometimes the wind can turn destructive. It sweeps clean the Earth, ready for the new season.

Air is associated with thought and language. We receive from it the very breath of life. In return, we can offer it our clear thinking. Each of us must find out our own truth and live by it. But Air is also honoured by storytelling and music, and by any writing you may do to express your personal inspiration. Anything you do to tell your own story and thereby heal your soul also honours Air... 🙏
2nd  April 2020
DAY 10 World Healing ~ Elements FIRE

The Buddha defined the Fire element as “that by which one is warmed, ages, and is consumed, and that by which what is eaten … gets completely digested.” In other words the Fire element within is metabolism. It’s our energy.

The Element of Fire. The element of Fire is both creative and destructive, its qualities are Brightness, Thinness and Motion and its mode is Active. ... To feel the manifestations of this power, go out on sunny day and feel the warmth and light of the Sun, hear the crackling of logs and smell of smoke from a burning fire.

"When desire is silenced  and the will comes to rest
the world as idea becomes manifest."    

Fire is light, energy moving outward from the source, the energy of inspiration, guidance and connection to spirit. The spirit fire within the heart leads us forward to the things that we are here to express and experience.

Our inner fire is our inner light, our inner spirit and the intuitive knower within. It is the keeper of the life purpose, the clarifying intelligence of love, and the warmth of the heart.

When our inner fire becomes challenged or dimmed we tend to lose our way and feel out of focus and blocked from the creative source. Obscure emotional circumstances can produce undesirable manifestations on all levels, physical, emotional, and mental. A general loss of passion for things, or a depressed monotone way, sets it. To ignite this fire and to revive passion for life brings great benefits across the board.
3rd April 2020
DAY 11 World Healing ~ Elements WATER
POWER OF WATER ELEMENT... Day 11 world healing #worldwidewebheal @gnreiki @ayuoklondon
Water Element represents all forms of water that exists on our earth. Consider the range and transformative properties of water; clouds, rainfall, gentle streams, noisy waterfalls, the stillness of a frozen lake, a mighty river, the vast oceans, and waves. Water is all about our ability to change, to flow and overcome obstacles by eroding them away over long periods or sweeping them away like a tsunami at other times!

The Ancient Chinese determined that the kidneys and urinary bladder, ‘the waterworks,’ and reproductive and sex organs are all connected to the Water element. If the kidneys are out of balance, a person often feels scared, frightened and fearful, they can be hypersensitive, mistrusting and even paranoid.

Kidney blockages and/or weakness can manifest physically as ear, hair and tooth problems, urinary infections, kidney stones, reproductive sexual problems, dull headaches, lower back, leg and knee problems, a lack of willpower and determination and possibly kidney disease.

The negative emotion associated with Water is fear, while the positive emotion is calmness. A balanced Water Element uses resources of energy, time, contacts, and money wisely, rather than hoarding or overspending them. With an excess of this element said to cause indecision and lack of staying power.

Water element also represents a person’s wisdom. A balanced Water indicates a person is wise and intelligent and capable of thinking clearly and acting appropriately. Therefore, when Water element is very weak or missing, a person might be slow-witted, foolish, misguided or irrational in his/her thinking.
4th April 2020
DAY 12 World Healing ~ Elements EARTH

Day 12 - #worldwidewebheal today we are on our 12 day world healing ... earth without her their is no existence of anything around us .... @gnreiki @ayuoklondon
Blessed is the Mother Earth. Blessed is She, Who, in sacrifice, has made a Space Refuge for you all.
– The Master Jesus, 1958

Mother Earth is not just a large inanimate lump of rock, nor even simply alive, she is in fact a great and mighty goddess, vastly more advanced than we are in spiritual evolution. She has provided a home for us for millions of years to enable us to gain the essential experience we need to progress upon our spiritual path towards enlightenment and ascension.

In order for us to live here she has had to dampen her vibrations and hold up her evolution. In other words her material existence is preserved in its current form for our benefit. She is sacrificing herself on our behalf. She could be a far more radiant being, but this would entail us loving and respecting her, all her kingdoms and living in balance and harmony.
Unfortunately mankind as a whole has not paid her the respect and it's not too late for us to act to heal her 
DAY 13 - Mother Earth healing #worldwidewebheal @gnreiki @ayuoklondon when Mother Earth heals we heal
We continue to daily come together to mother Earth and all her kingdoms ... Next 7 days we will also focus on Mother Earth energy centres as well as human energy centres.
Why is it necessary to give healing to Mother Earth? It is because the main chakras of Mother Earth makes up for the spiritual body of the world!

We are connected to Mother Earth through the subtle electrical current that runs around the entire planet. These electrical currents are known as “Ley Lines” and are almost like Mother Earth’s veins.
Just like we have veins that flow in and out of the heart, Mother Earth has Ley Lines, which are lines of energy that coil around the earth in a similar fashion as a strand of DNA.

There are many cultures that conceive of an energetic system which runs the body, but the Yogic Chakra System is said to be 4000-5000 years old. Chakra translates loosely to mean “wheel” from Sanskrit, but it more accurately describes a vortex of rotating energy. Some Chakra systems contain twelve primary Chakras, others fewer, but they refer to a map of the energy circulating through the body, primarily through the spinal column. Each Chakra is situated near an endocrine gland that is responsible for regulating hormonal reactions in the body. The Chakras also act as translators of energy. They assimilate energy from surrounding influences, including your own emotions and thoughts and the Chakras of others. In the yogic conceptualization of the Chakra system, there are seven primary energy Chakras.” #chakras
Each Chakra has its own bandwidth of energy, and it governs the perspective of each person at that vibration.The Earth’s Chakras are very similar. They are reflective of the root all the way to the crown.
6th April 2020
Today we continue in day 14 and also focus more so on our root chakra and Mother Earth root chakra ... she also needs her foundations to be in balance with all the kingdoms ... when we take down trees and mountains we weaken her foundations ... when we kill her animal and sea kingdom we weaken her foundations... take moments today sending her healing to strengthen her roots ... this will then strengthen your roots ... find strength and foundations with your health, relationships and job all that we know during this pandemic is being affected. The root chakra is comprised of whatever grounds you to stability in your life. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, shelter, safety, as well as your emotional needs of interconnection, and being fearless. During this pandemic time we all need it more and more grounded
7th April 2020
DAY 15 SACRAL CHAKRA  {Today all PINK full moon}
DAY 15 - #WORLDWIDEWEBHEAL @gnreiki @ayuoklondon we continue with world healing raising the vibration of Mother Earth and self and today go deeper into healing our sacral chakra ... this energy centre holds our conditioning and limited beliefs and stops us from stepping out of our comfort zone.
Blockage of sacral chakra manifests through general emotional instability or through feeling creatively uninspired, fearing change, feeling depressed or indulging in addiction-like behaviors. Physical manifestations of sacral chakra misalignment include sexual dysfunctions. The sacral chakra is responsible for movement, flow and pleasure.
This energy centre resonates with our need for relationships and our need to control or create the dynamics of our physical world. The second chakra shifts from obeying tribal, family authority, and allows us to discover satisfying relationships and interests of our own
8th April 2020
DAY 16 #worldwidewebheal @gnreiki @ayuoklondon ... we are now in day 16 and the intense of the healing is being felt ... with special full moon 🌕 yesterday in sync with sacral chakra healing letting go of relationships that no longer serve us today we focus on solar plexus ... opening up to new opportunities and possibilities as you have now created the space .
The solar plexus chakra helps grow your confidence and vitality. This empowers you to follow your true path and create the life you want. When balanced, the solar plexus chakra allows you to seize your personal power, develop your authentic self, and take responsibility for your life.

Radiate your power in the world
9th April 2020
The heart chakra, or Anahata, deals with unconditional love and emotional power. At its core, this chakra is emotional and propels us to enhance our emotional development. The heart embodies a gentle wisdom that teaches us the ways of love and compassion
Heart Chakra opening can be associated with symptoms such as chest tightness, restlessness, upper back discomfort along with increased sensitivity to both positive and negative emotions.
Heart Chakra Pain and Imbalance. One of the heart chakra pain is connected with having a broken heart, the cause can be let down by somebody you love. Other causes include, abuse, rejection, trauma, grief and loss. These are emotionally painful experiences which leaves an imprint in the heart chakra. 
10th April 2020
CONTINUE WITH WORLD 🌍 HEALING and also today focus on throat chakra ... OUR VOICE OF TRUTH our courage , our authenticity
This chakra is associated with certain behavioral and psychological characteristics. It represents expression and your ability to speak out and express your truth. It signifies both verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as internal and external communication.

As the center of communication and creativity, the throat chakra allows you to express who you are but also listen deeply to others. When your throat chakra is balanced, it gives you the ability to be inspired, projects your ideas, and align your vision with reality.

The Throat chakra is associated to the pharyngeal and brachial plexi and is connected to the mouth, jaws, tongue, pharynx and palate. It’s is also linked to the shoulders and the neck. The gland associated with the fifth chakra is the thyroid, which regulates the processing of energy in the body through temperature, growth, and in large parts, metabolism.

The Throat chakra is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics:

Expression, in particular ability to express your truth, to speak out
Communication, whether it’s verbal or non-verbal, external or internal
Connection with the etheric realm, the more subtle realms of spirit and intuitive abilities
Propensity to create, projecting ideas and blueprints into reality
Realizing your vocation, purpose
Good sense of timing
11th April 2020
 We continue with deep world healing for our Mother Earth and her kingdoms ... this really is a time to reflect and awaken to our journey here on Earth and on how we can do better for self, others and our Earth we share with other kingdoms ...
Our BROW chakra is our power to intuition to connect with higher self and better live in this body
Healthy and balanced, the Brow chakra produces illumination, the ability to see things clearly, patience, and insight. The Brow chakra's element is Light, the force that reveals the true nature of all things.

It directs our sight and everyday awareness of the world. Our consciousness is located here. ... The brow chakra interprets the world - our inner world, and the world that comes into the body, primarily through sight.

Here are five signs your third eye is opening:
A dull sensation of pressure between the eyebrows. ...
Increased foresight. ...
Prone to light sensitivity. ...
A feeling of gradual and continual change. ...
Increased headaches.

In addition, it is said that once opened, the Third Eye gives the ability to communicate telepathically with other awakened people, to see the spirits of the dead and even to receive messages directly from higher beings. ... Reduced from its original size, the Third Eye became what is now known as the pineal gland.
wow what an amazing journey with many around the globe who take time each day sending healing to Mother Earth and all those who need healing #covid_19
Today we also focus on CROWN CHAKRA
What's happening is that the opening of the crown chakra is clearing up the blockages in its pathway, creating space for newer positive forces inside your brain. All our life, we hoard emotional insecurities, past traumas, brooding thoughts, and give them the power to deteriorate our mental peace.

The chakras consist of seven key points in the body—vortexes of energy that run through the spine. ... Once you've located the site of instability, you'll have the power and ability to consciously tune and heal the corresponding chakra(s) by stimulating the energy.

The Crown Chakra is our connection with Divinity; it is the portal through which the life energy enters our body. Without this energy, human beings cannot function properly and tend to feel disconnected with self and others.
33 Days Later - we finally came to the end of our world healing journey although we all continue to be the light and bring in the powerful energy and let it radiate into the world. Here are two video of the journey

World healing 33 days global healers  -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdJDjKNKn-A

What happened during lockdown and world healing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPC2DXKfWaM

22nd JUNE 2020 - As lockdown now starts to ease around the globe we are already witnessing the rise of Mental and Physical Health.

IMPORTANT READ - A useful guide about improving mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.




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Depression is technically a mental disorder, but it also affects your physical health and well-being. Learn more about some of the most common symptoms of depression, as well as how depression can affect your entire body, especially if left untreated.
by Jess Kaur 13 August 2020
Bipolar disorder is primarily a mood disorder. ADHD affects attention and behavior; it causes symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. While ADHD is chronic or ongoing, bipolar disorder is usually episodic, with periods of normal mood interspersed with depression, mania, or hypomania. Forget the stigma It can be more than challenging when you or a loved one is experiencing signs and symptoms of either ADHD or bipolar disorder. You’re not alone. Mental health disorders affect approximately 1 in 5 adults. Getting the help you need is the first step toward living your best life.
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