Understanding your complete existence is key to you starting your journeying!  SCIENCE OF LIFE

The Natures Law to your complete HEALTHCARE

Embrace your complete existence and take the first step in your transformative journey with Prof RAR.Jasveer , the visionary behind Health Forest and the 5LM Program. Uncover the power within you as this program guides you in a profound exploration of your being. Through deep dives, you will unlock and release trauma, limiting beliefs, and health challenges, creating space for the life you truly desire. Discover the core of each layer, unveiling your purpose, unique blueprint, and the power of your ancestral lineage.

  • Physical health
  • Emotional Health
  • Mental Health
  • Evolve your intuition to manifest life you desire
  • Deepen you spiritual journey, active dormant innate gifts

There's no better time than now to start this journey, especially as the world experiences the greatest awakening in history.

Begin today and receive the tools needed to manifest the life you yearn to experience.


Engineering your Mind & Body to activate your dormant success !!

Once we assist you in uncovering your deepest desires, we will collaborate to devise a personalized strategy to attain them. We believe that proper health encompasses physical well-being and mental and emotional harmony, enabling us to tap into the extraordinary power of our subconscious and higher self. Are you prepared to embrace a life of freedom and manifest the reality you yearn for? Our approach integrates the wisdom of Ayurveda and the science of nutrition, coupled with multidimensional transformation therapies. Does this pique your interest?

Internationally recognised Accredited and Registered

Prof. RAR.Jasveer

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Unleash your freedom and achieve life mastery to reclaim your inner power with our transformative program. We delve into the five layers of your existence, utilizing biohacking techniques to penetrate deeply and release old emotional and mental barriers, aligning you with the present moment. Our approach draws from ancient wisdom and enhanced technologies, tailored to suit the demands of modern life.

Do you ever wonder why you feel lacking in some areas? It's because you're constantly dreaming about the lack. What you think, feel, and ultimately manifest into reality are permanently aligned, without exception. So, instead of waiting for things you think you lack, consider that you might not receive them because you're inadvertently fixating on the feeling of lack. Whether it's about finding a relationship, money, or a mystical experience, you can drive these manifested experiences.

It would be best to go through a series of realisations and understandings to heal and let go of the hurt you've held onto. This is essential to release the pain you've stored, absorbed, and projected. From this moment on, envision and embody the experiences you desire as though they've already been fulfilled. If you continue to dream of lacking in your desired experiences, you'll continue to manifest that lack.

It's essential to recognise that what starts in our minds can unconsciously influence our actions, emotions, and behaviours, and it can either elevate or detract from our energy. Through my program, I have met clients who successfully transformed their lives by resetting their core transformational beliefs.

Each day, I have the privilege of working with clients undergoing incredible transformations through my program as they reset their core beliefs about change and personal growth. I am living my dream daily. Three years ago, I left the UK and relocated to Spain. There, I built two successful businesses from the ground up despite starting with minimal resources. It was a journey of determination and self-discovery as I bravely pursued my dreams and reshaped my fundamental beliefs.


We are not medical doctors we are Holistic Practitioners We offer guidance and support through nutrition, naturopathy Ayurveda, herbal tonics and therapies we are not medical doctors and we always ask seek approval from your doctors if you have any doubts with holistic health. The material provided on healthforest.es and in the centre is for information, educational purposes and part of your diet, health and lifestyle changes only and is not a substitute for medical treatment or diagnosis.

You should consult your physician before taking vitamins, minerals, health nutritional supplements or herbal products. Nutritional supplements products on website and centre are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Statements made here have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. 

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How Our Complete Healing Approach Works

Imagine you have a car, and all you do is fill it with fuel when your tank is empty.

You’re not changing the tires… you’re not changing filters… you’re not changing the oil in your engine. After a while, your car would break down - because you’re not looking at it as a whole.

Same applies to us. We’re pretty complex beings. We have our physical bodies. We have our minds, emotions, and feelings. And we have our energy that flows throughout our bodies.

All these systems are connected to each other. And if one of them malfunctions, it will impact the other ones and cause different problems. This means that you can’t fully solve your health problems by only addressing one aspect of your being.


In Health Forest, we’re bridging all these gaps and giving you complete support on all layers of your being. By working on all these layers all at once, we’re able to help you solve chronic health challenges - even if nothing worked before. We BIOHACK all the layers of your existence and fine tune them so you are back in your complete POWER. You have lifetime mastery tools to continue to apply to your life

Health Forest  is a holistic health company based in Europe. We’re helping people from all over the world to optimize their health, solve stubborn health symptoms, and live longer in better health. We provide all the tools and technologies to bring you back to your POWER so you can manifest the LIFE you DESIRE

We achieve it by combining the oldest healing system on Earth - Ayurveda (The Science of Life), with nutrition, emotional balance, and energy work. We’ve guided thousands of people through this journey through our two holistic healing clinics and with our guided programs and unique Ayurvedic remedies. Prof Jasveer Kaur Chana has been initiated with ancient knowledge that is now part of scientific research.

We’re the only health company that goes back to the roots of Ayurveda… Combines it with nutrition… Adapts it to the Western lifestyle… And works on levels of your being to balance it and give you the result you want.

Our Head branch is in Spain Alicante Altea. However we have many partnerships with many other branches in

  • England - London
  • Nepal - Pokhara
  • India - Karela

To unleash the beauty of your authentic self, delve into the depths of your being through the five layers of your existence. By doing so, you can establish a profound connection with the entire world, transcending the feeling of isolation. Our aim is to equip you with the tools and knowledge to awaken the dormant potential within you, enabling you to seize control of your life and become the master of your destiny.

Understanding and embracing your five layers can yield the following benefits:

- Deepening your self-awareness

- Developing a more profound understanding of your true self

- Initiating positive transformation in your life

Should you find it challenging to connect with your innermost layers, start your journey by attuning yourself to your physical body, breath, and thoughts. Gradually, you will ascend to a level of consciousness where the more subtle layers can be revealed and experienced.

27 Years Of Experience And Thousands Of Happy Clients

Prof. Jasveer is a good counselor and applies the Ayurveda method along with other knowledge to see your potentialities and imbalances. I believe that her advice is a positive key to improving your life and that is why I highly recommend her.
The experience with Jasveer Kaur with the Ayurveda & Nutrition Diagnose has been extraordinary! I highly appreciate her warmth and determination to ask the right questions and use multiple ways to get a 100% accurate diagnosis, which I have never received any other way.

I am looking forward to start my new Ayurveda & Nutrition plan and continue to experience the benefits of this science of life together with Jasveer Kaur and the Health Forest team!
I had a one-off 2 hour session with Prof. Jasveer Kaur and it was a fascinating and enlightening introduction to the Ayurveda approach. Prof. Kaur conducted a lengthy assessment of my current lifestyle, then looked at my tongue, eyes and pulses for an understanding of my current physical condition. She then explained at length about the different elements and dosha types which then informs the most appropriate lifestyle for each individual. I love this holistic approach, and was able to relate to much of what Prof. Kaur revealed about my condition. I subsequently received a lengthy report with on-going guidance and recommendations including detox advice, supplements and a diet plan. I would thoroughly recommend anyone unsure to investigate this route for on-going wellbeing.
A great holistic health center based in the Ayurvedic science to get your health back to good condition, balance and armonized with a very knowledgeable Dr. .Jasveer on the field. She is very kind and a warm person as well as her team. Dr.Jasveer is very precise on her diagnose helping me a lot to recover from my health issues. I would greatly recommend the center always and I still go there for other treatments.I love it! and it does so good to me :)
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